Shale Plays, General Information
Amsden Shale (Bighorn, Green River, Powder River Basins)(ID, MT, ND, WY)(mid. Penn to lt. Miss)
- Amsden Series
- Phosphoria, Wells, and Amsden Formations (USGS)
- Tensleep Sandstone and Amsden Formation (USGS)
Antrim Shale (MI – MI Basin)(Dv)
- Antrim Research
- Antrim Shale (AAPG)
- Antrim Shale (IGS)
- Antrim Shale (IGS2)
- Antrim Shale Play Overview
- Antrim Shale Reservoir Simulation
Aspen Shale (Disturbed Belt)(WY)(Early K)
- Aspen Shale (USGS)
- Geological Survey Professional Paper, Volumes 355-357 (USGS)
- Tensleep Sandstone and Amsden Formation (USGS)
Avalon Shale (Permian & Delaware Basins)(West Texas and South New Mexico)(Lower Permian)
Bakken Shale (MT, ND, SD, SK, MB – Williston Basin)(l Miss, u Dev)
- Bakken Parshall Field
- Bakken Success (AAPG)
- South Dakota Primps for Shale Suitors (AAPG)
- Williston/Bakken Assessment
- Williston/Bakken General (DOE)
- Williston Basin Canada
- Western Montana Bakken in Play (AAPG)
Barnett Shale (TX – Fort Worth & Permian Basins)(m to l Miss)
- Barnett Shale Delaware Basin, Pecos Co. West Texas
- Barnett Shale Fracture Interpretation
- Barnett Shale Gas Boom
- Barnett Shale General
- Barnett Shale Natural Gas
- Barnett Shale Report
Baxter Shale (WY – Green River Basin)(u K)
Bend Shale (TX – Fort Worth Basin)(l Pen)
Bone Spring (TX – Delaware Basin)(Penn)
Bossier Shale (LA – East TX Basin)(u Jr)
Cane Creek Shale (Paradox Fm) (CO, UT – Paradox Basin)(Pen)
Caney Shale (AR, OK – Arkoma Basin)
Chainman Shale (CA, NV, UT – Great Basin)(Miss)
Chattanooga Shale (AL, KY, MS, TN – Black Warrior Basin)(Dv)
- Chattanooga Shale/Floyd Shale Petroleum Assessment Black Warrior Basin
- Chattanooga Shale Potential
- Chattanooga Shale Research (GSOA)
- Black Warrior Basin USGS Fact Sheet CBM
- Floyd Shale & Chattanooga Shale Gas Play In Alabama
- Chattanooga Shale Natural Gas
Cline Shale (TX – Permian (Midland) Basin)(Penn)
- Blended Plays, “Technology Awakened Permian” (AAPG)
- Midland Basin Horizontal Opportunities Go Deeper
- Spotlight intensifies on emerging Cline Shale
- The Cline
Cody Shale (ID, MT, WY – Bighorn & Wind River Basins)(l K)
- Basal part of Cody shale (USGS)
- Cody Shale (USGS)
- Cody Shale Wikipedia
- Cody Shale Wind River Basin
- Lower Upper Cretaceous Bighorn Basin
Collingwood Shale (MI, PA – Michigan & Appalachian Basins)(Late Ord)(Member of Bills Creek Shale & or Utica Shale)
- Collingwood Shale Summary
- Collingwood Shale (Shale Blog)
- Michigan Collingwood-Utica gas play emerging
- Shale Gas Opportunities in Southern Ontario – an Update
Conasauga Shale (AL – Black Warrior Basin)(Cm)
Dunkirk Shale(NY)(u Dev)
Duvernay Shale(AB, Canada)(Dev)
Eagle Ford Shale (TX-South)(K)
- 3-D Data a Big Need (Again) at Eagle Ford (AAPG)
- Eagle Ford Shale Gas & Oil
- Eagle Ford Joins Shale Elite (AAPG)
- Eagle Ford Map And Info
- Eagle Ford Map
- Outcrops Instructive for Eagle Ford (AAPG)
Ellsworth Shale (Member New Albany Shale)(IL, IN, KY – Illinois Basin)(Dv, Miss))
Esopus Shale (Tristates Group NY, Stone Ridge Group NJ/NY)(NJ, NY, PA -Appalachian Basin)(early Dev.))
Excello(Mulky) Shale(Senora Fm.)(KS, OK- Cherokee Basin)(Pen)
Fayetteville Shale (AR, OK – Arkoma Basin)(u Miss)
- Fayetteville Shale (AAPG)
- Fayetteville Shale (AGS)
- Fayetteville Shale Natural Gas
- Fayetteville Shale Well Location Maps
Floyd Shale (AL – Black Warrior Basin)(Miss)
Gammon Shale (MT, ND – Williston Basin)(u K)
- Diagenesis and Methane Generation in Upper Cretaceous Gammon
- Geophysical Log Response of Gas Producing and Nonproducing Zones
- Starbuck East Prospect
- Stratigraphy and Structure
Geneseo Shale (NY)(u Dev)
Guilmette Fm. (NV, UT)(Great Basin)(mid to late Dev)
- Biofabrics of the Late Devonian Guilmette Fm., Great Basin Region of the Western United States
- Sequence stratigraphy of the Middle to Upper Devonian Guilmette Formation, southern Egan & Schell Creek ranges, NV
Gothic Shale (UT – Paradox Basin)(Pen)
- Gothic Shale Hydrocarbon Seal
- Gothic Shale Gas Discovery
- Petroleum Potential for the Gothic Shale, Paradox Fm. CO & NM
Green River Shale (CO, UT, WY – Green River, Piceance, Uinta, Washakie Basins)(T Eocene)
Haynesville Shale (AR, LA, TX – East Texas Basin)(u Jr)
- Haynesville/Bossier Shale
- Haynesville Shale Activities
- Haynesville Shale Gets a Starring Role (AAPG)
- Haynesville Shale Natural Gas
- Haynesville vs. Barnett (AAPG)
- Recent News Articles
- Well Activity Map
Heath Shale (Big Snowy Group) (MT – Central Montana Trough, Powder River, Williston Basins)(lt. Miss)
- Bear Gulch Limestone Member of The Heath Fm.
- Characterization & Chemistry of The Heath Oil Shale
- Central Montana Heath Prospect Geologic Report
Hermosa Group Shales (CO, UT – Paradox Basin)(Pen)
Hilliard Shale (Hilliard/Baxter/Mancos System) (WY – Greater Green River Basin)(u K)
Horn River Basin Shale (BC-Horn River Basin)(De)
Horton/Bluff Fm.(Albert Shale in NS) (NB, NS, PEI- Maritimes Basin)(Miss, Dev, Sil?)
Hovenweep Shale (UT – Paradox Basin)(Pen)
- Paradox Basin Horizontal Drilling Targets (UGS)
- Paradox Basin Deep Gas Plays(UGS)
- Delineating Productive Ismay Algal Mounds
Huron Shale (KY, OH, VA, WV – App. Basin)(De)
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K does not have any listings for Shales that start with the letter “K“. Shame is upon us.
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Levana Shale (Hamilton Group) (NJ, NY – App. Basin)(m Dv)
Lewis Shale (CO, NM – San Juan Basin)(u K)
Marcellus Shale (Hamilton Group) (NY, PA, OH, WV – App. Basin)(m Dv)
- 3-D Helped Get View of Marcellus Area (AAPG)
- Marcellus Core Areas Differentiated (AAPG)
- Marcellus Owes Its ‘Beauty’ to Algal Blooms (AAPG)
- Marcellus Shale – Geologic Controls on Production
- Marcellus Shale Natural Gas
- Marcellus Shale Summary
- Overview of Fractured Shales in New York
- With Marcellus, It’s All About the Fractures (AAPG)
Mancos Shale (UT – Uinta Basin)(u K)
Meramec Shale (OK – Anadarko Basin)(Miss)
McClure Shale, Monterey Formation (CA)(T lt. Miocene)
Middlesex Shale (NY)(u Dev)
Monterey Shale (CA)(T)
- Biomarker geochemistry of the Miocene Monterey Formation, West San Joaquin Basin
- Elk Hills ‘Secrets’ Being Revealed (AAPG)
- Friendly Geology, Tough Crowd (AAPG)
- Light Oil in Deep Monterey Shale
- Monterey Shale A Marvelous Target
- Monterey Shale Gets New Look (AAPG)
- Monterey Shale Facies
- Monterey Shale Geology
Montney Shale (AB, BC – Horn River Basin)(l Tr)
Mowry Shale (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)(u K)
Neal Shale (AL – Black Warrior Basin)(Miss)
New Albany Shale (IL, IN, KY – Illinois Basin)(Dv, Miss)
- Illinois Basin Shale Gets Tech Focus (AAPG)
- New Albany Shale (IGS)
- New Albany Shale Focus (AAPG)
- New Albany Shale Play Overview
- New Albany Shale Reservoir Evaluation
Niobrara Shale (CO, KS, NM, WY)(u K)
Pearsall Shale (ssw TX, Maverick Basin)(l K)
Pierre Shale (CO, MN, NE, NM, SD, WY)(u K)
- Pierre Shale and Its Relation to Hydrocarbons (DOE)
- Pierre Shale (USGS)
- Pierre Shale (Wikipedia)
- Revised Stratigraphy
Pipe Creek Shale (NY)(u Dev)
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Rhinestreet Shale (NY)(u Dev)
Rochester Shale (NY)(u Sil)
Tropic Shale (UT – Paradox Basin)(late K)
- Tropic Shale (Wikipedia)
- Tropic Shale (USGS)
- Tropic Shale Outcrop Photo Big Water, UT (USGS)
- Tropic Shale Plesiosaurs
Tuscaloosa Shale (LA, MS – Gulf Coast)(u K)
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Williamson Shale (Clinton Group (Willowvale Shale, Sodus Shale)) (NY, Quebec – App. Basin)(l to m Sil)
- The lower Williamson Shale (Silurian) of New York
- Clinton Group (USGS)
- Clinton Group (Wikipedia)
- Bedrock in Western New York
- Overview of Fractured Shales in New York
Woodford Shale (OK – Anadarko, Ardmore & Arkoma Basins)(l Dv, e Miss)
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