Government Links
- Live Internet Seismic Server (USGS)
- National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program
- Notice of Intent and Authorization to Conduct O & G Geophysical Exploration Operation (U.S.)
Geophysics General Information
- Earth’s interior
- Major Tectonic Plates
- Mean Sea Level, GPS, and the Geoid
- Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress
- Physical Constants
- Physical Properties of The Earth
- Seismic Refraction Interpretation With Velocity Gradient And Depth of Investigation
- Seismic Waves and Earth’s Interior
- Structure of the Earth (Wikipedia)
- World Magnetic Model
Application of Geophysical Methods
- Surface Methods
- Electrical Resistivity Surveys
- Electromagnetic Induction (EM)
- Ground-Penetrating Radar
- Magnetometry (MAG)
- Downhole Methods
- General Information
- Caliper Logging
- Cement Bond Logging
- EM Induction Logging
- Formation Density Logging
- Natural Gamma Logging
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Logging
- Neutron Logging
- Resistivity Logging
- Sonic Logging
- Spontaneous Potential (SP) Logging
- Temperature Logging
General Information
- Overview of Seismic Exploration
- Inverse Scattering Series and Seismic Exploration
- Seismic Best Management Practices
- Seismic Technology (SPE)
Seismic Interpretation
- Seismic Interpretation Exercise (SEPM)
- Seismic Interpretation (USGS)
- How to Interpret Leakage Zones on Seismic Data