Depositional Basins, United States

Basins General Information

J does not have any listings for Basins that start with the letter “J“.  Shame is upon us.

Please, if you know of any Basins that begin with the letter “J” and you would like them listed here, please send a email from our contact page.

We thank you for your help.

K does not have any listings for Basins that start with the letter “K“.  Shame is upon us.

Please, if you know of any Basins that begin with the letter “K” and you would like them listed here, please send a email from our contact page.

We thank you for your help.


Laramie Basin (WY)


Oklahoma Basin (Ancestral Anadarko Basin)(OK)

Q does not have any listings for Basins that start with the letter “Q“.  Shame is upon us.

Please, if you know of any Basins that begin with the letter “Q” and you would like them listed here, please send a email from our contact page.

We thank you for your help.


Sacramento Basin (CA)

Salina Basin (KS, NE)

Sand Wash Basin (CO, WY)(Sub Basin of Greater Green River Basin)

San Joaquin Basin (CA)

San Luis Basin (CO)

San Juan Basin (CO, NM)

Shirley Basin (WY)

South Florida Basin (FL)

South Park Basin (CO)

X does not have any listings for Basins that start with the letter “X“.  Shame is upon us.

Please, if you know of any Basins that begin with the letter “X” and you would like them listed here, please send a email from our contact page.

We thank you for your help.


Yukon-Koyukuk Basin, Alaska (AK)

Z does not have any listings for Basins that start with the letter “Z“.  Shame is upon us.

Please, if you know of any Basins that begin with the letter “Z” and you would like them listed here, please send a email from our contact page.

We thank you for your help.

Depositional Basins, Canada

Antigonish Basin (NS, Canada)

Athabasca Basin (AB, SK, Canada)

Bonnet Plume Basin (YK, Canada)

Horn River Basin (BC, Canada)

Kennetcook (Windsor) Basin (NS, Canada)

Maritimes Basin (NB, NS, PEI Canada)

Minas Basin (NS Canada)

Thelon Basin (Nunavat, Canada)

Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) (AB, BC, MB, SK)

Williston Basin (MT, ND, SD, SK, MB)

Windsor (Kennetcook) Basin (NS)